Rewarding Moments: Shannon
This week's Rewarding Moments goes to Shannon from Rock Hill, SC. She has been an InboxDollars member since January 2022.
Here's what she says about InboxDollars:
I have been a member of inboxdollars for quite a long time and really enjoy it and tell everyone I know about how wonderful, fun and simple it is. Inboxdollars just recently helped me and it was such a blessing! I am currently self employed, I resell toys and trading cards online but haven’t been working as much as I had. We have 8 children, 6 boys and 2 girls so of course their needs come first first and foremost. My cellphone was disconnected for about 3 days which made things difficult and I was having to keep my fiancés phone while he worked which made it difficult for him. So after breakfast I had some me time and I logged into InboxDollars to find several rewards had came in and I had over $15 dollars and was able to cash out $15 on a Visa e-gift card which came within 24 hours. I used that money to pay my phone bill for 1 week (which was $12.01) and was able to have my phone and start to work again as well as have no concerns of my fiancé or children not being able to contact me or me being able to contact them. This took s huge weight off of me and I am so appreciative. Besides this I have used my rewards for the extras needed in our home like cleaning supplies and toiletries which helps my husband paycheck go a little further. With a family of 10 any extras help. Thanks to you InboxDollars this momma now knows our family is in need of taking some family photos and so my new reason to save up my InboxDollars cash is to pay for family photos!!

Thank you, Shannon, for sharing your story with us! Thank you for being a dedicated member. We appreciate you!
Visit: https://inboxdollars.pgtb.me/1rPQpc and fill out our InboxDollars' Rewarding Moments form. We choose new Rewarding Moments to share every week so everyone gets a chance to win!
Do you have a rewarding moment? We'd love to feature yours, too.
Members who get their Rewarding Moments featured on our blog and social media get $10 in their InboxDollars account!
If we didn't share your Rewarding Moment this week, it doesn't mean we won't share it later on. We get many Rewarding Moments each day so it gets difficult to choose just one. Remember, we choose one every week! We can't wait to hear yours.
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InboxDollars® credits members for completing offers based on information we receive from our Advertisers. Thusly, the Advertiser has the final say in whether or not a member is credited for completing an offer. For more information, please read full terms of CASH OFFER CREDITING.