11 Easy Ways to Earn with InboxDollars that You Don’t Know About (+Make an Extra $60/Month)
Whether you’re a site veteran or a brand new to InboxDollars, you’re probably eager to boost your earnings. While it seems that everyone knows about our videos and surveys, there are dozens of other little-known ways to maximize your cash payouts.
Even though I am an employee of InboxDollars (analytics department), I am also a member of InboxDollars and love earning extra cash on the side.
This post looks at my 11 favorite little-known ways to earn with InboxDollars. Completing each item separately might only be a couple of bucks; altogether, they can add up to an extra $60 a month or more.
1. Check the InboxDollars Offers Page Often.
The deals featured on InboxDollars Offers page are constantly changing. If you visit the page only look for the higher paying ones, you might not see a lot of change from one day to the next. However, among offers that pay $0.01 to $0.50, there can be a lot of changing variety.
I personally check out the Offers page daily, both the desktop and mobile version. (Some offers are device-specific.) In a typical month, I earn at least $6.00 by completing free offers.
Right now, some of InboxDollars' hottest offers include:
Aquafina or Dasani. Which do you prefer? Complete a short consumer survey on which water tastes better and earn $2.00.
Free Tide Laundry Detergent Sample: Earn $1.50 when you sign up for your free laundry detergent sample and complete the short consumer survey.
Free Mr. Clean Samples: Earn $2.00 when you simply sign up for the Free Mr. Clean offers through InboxDollars.
Chewy.com: Chewy provides over 1,000 different brands of pet supplies and pet food! Never worry about not finding what your furry friend needs. Earn $5.00 in your InboxDollars when you make your first purchase.
Total Monthly Earnings: $6.00+
2. Check our Facebook Page Daily.
We love being social with our members! On our Facebook page, we post WINIT Codes, money-saving tips, new deals, and special social contests or promotions.
Past social promotions have included: scratch-off images (awarding members sweeps or cash prizes), caption this images (cash prizes), and selfie payment photo contests with prize winnings up to $100 cash.
Earning can vary from month to month, but the average member can definitely earn small amounts of cash on a regular basis month over month.
Total Monthly Earnings: $0.50
3. “Spam” is Your Friend.
As many new members observe, we message our members regularly. We will email you when a top survey is available (one that we think you will like and qualify for), and we also send PaidEmails®. PaidEmails are email messages that feature special partner deals, like 99-cent bottles of wine or first month free subscriptions.
I love getting these PaidEmails since I earn rewards for each one I read. (There is a button to click on in each email to confirm I have read it.)
Just reading one PaidEmail a day, the rewards really add up over time.
I can read PaidEmails in my personal email account, or from my PaidEmail "Inbox" within the InboxDollars dashboard. Personally, I prefer to look for PaidEmails there so I know that I am reading all of them and I'm not accidentally deleting real money from my Gmail.
Monthly Earnings: Varies.
4. Get Paid to Coupon.
I must admit, I love couponing and coupon apps. While some may like the hours of clipping, cataloging and planning a coupon run, I am a lazy couponer.
Before each supermarket run, I will check out the coupons page (under the Deals tab) and clip coupons for products that I actually use and that are on my current list. Hundreds of coupons are featured (just like in the newspaper), but I only clip the ones I need. My brand favorites are Purina, General Mills, Palmolive, Yoplait, Cetaphil, Glade, and Nivea.
In a typical month, I will make three supermarket runs and redeem a total of 35 coupons. With the coupon savings themselves (i.e. 50-cents off a box of cereal), I save an average of $26.25 a month.
To top it off, InboxDollars will pay you 1-cent for every coupon you print (up to 25 coupons per day) and you'll get 10-cents for each coupon you redeem in store!
Total Monthly Earnings: $11.00
5. Earn Cash Back for Using Groupon.
An early lover of Groupon, I check out their deals a few times a week. As an avid deal-seeker, it gives me a thrill to save 50% on a meal or $40 off a cut and color.
Did you know that InboxDollars pays you 5% cashback on every Groupon you buy?
How it works: Groupon has partnered with InboxDollars to acquire more Groupon users. On InboxDollars, go to the Deals tab and drop down to Groupon.
Hundreds of Groupons are featured. My favorite categories are Beauty & Spa, Things to Do, and Retail.
In a given month, I’ll spend $ 40 on Groupon and bank $2 in cash back.
Total Monthly Earnings: $2.00
6. Earn Rewards for Ditching Google.
Do I like Google? Sure. Of course. But does Google reward me for "googling" things? No.
InboxDollars has its own search engine that, you guessed it, rewards me for searching the web.
It partners with Bing to bring searchers the same results that show up Bing’s page, but when I use InboxDollars Search I can win cash and prizes from the Scratch & Win progress bar.
Start searching with InboxDollarstoday! Set it as your homepage so that you do not forget to use it.
My daily earnings for searching the web and earning Scratch & Win plays will vary. Sometimes it may be a few cents, other days it may be $0.12 or more. On average though, I'll earn an extra $2.00 per month. Not bad for making web searches I would have made anyway!
Total Monthly Earnings: $2.00
7. Make Money for Watching Videos Online.
Earlier this year, InboxDollars introduced one of my favorite ways to earn: InboxDollars Videos.
I get to watch the latest news on Sports, Entertainment, and News. InboxDollars Videos offers cash for each video so I know I'm earning quickly!
While my earnings vary from day to day, on average I'll earn about $0.30 - $0.60 a day from watching videos (or rather listening to them) while at the office.
It may not seem a lot at first but when you do this consistently every day, it definitely adds up quick. For me, just doing it Monday-Friday, I can bank an extra $9.00 a month.
Total Monthly Earnings: $9.00.
8. Set Daily Survey Goals.
When I initially started doing InboxDollars surveys, I did not have a set plan or approach. Some days, I would take three or more. Other days, I would not qualify for the first couple of surveys I tried and I would get discouraged.
But about a year ago, I adopted a more dogged approach. Every day my goal is to qualify for and complete at least one survey. That’s all. One survey on any topic and of any length and of any payout.
Some days, it takes me only a couple of survey attempts to reach this goal (and I then go on to complete a couple more surveys.) Other days, it may take five or six tries to qualify and once I have completed one survey I am done with surveys for the day.
Because of this approach, I end up completing about 45 surveys a month. Earnings vary – and it is easier to qualify for less audience-specific surveys with lower payouts. But typically, I can make $27 a month with surveys.
Total Monthly Earnings: $27.00
9. Answer Learn & Earn Trivia Questions on InboxDollars.
Every day, InboxDollars offers a new Learn & Earn question. What is the fastest animal? Most popular color? Length of the Nile?
As a trivia buff (and one-time Trivia Mafia Champ!), I love these fun Learn & Earn questions.
It's multiple-choice and players earn cash or Scratch & Win progress for answering. Even if I don't come up with the correct answer, I'm still earning for learning - that's the whole point.
Total Monthly Earnings: Varies.
10. Go for Low-Paying Surveys.
On the InboxDollars paid surveys page, the $3.00 survey with an estimated time of 12 minutes always appears very enticing. However, odds are that I won't qualify.
I'll still try of course. And occasionally I can complete the high-offer survey. But over time, I've found that surveys offering high payout are typically looking for a very specific kind of participant (i.e. newlyweds in a certain zip code, first-time pregnant women in their second trimester, small business owners with an office staff of at least 10).
Thus, I go for the low-hanging fruit. Surveys that take more time and offer lower payout amounts (i.e. 25-cents for 27 minutes) are more likely to be targeting a broader audience and I am much more likely to qualify.
I think of it this way: do I want to spend 20 minutes getting disqualified for short, high-paying surveys? Or during that time period, would I rather bank 25-cents?
My goal is to complete just one low paying survey a day, which translates to $8 a month or almost $100 in a year.
Total Monthly Earnings: $7.50
11. Tell Your Friends and Family about InboxDollars.
This is a commonly missed opportunity. Shortly after I joined InboxDollars, I sent an invite to friends and family (who promptly deleted it).
However since I can make 30% of their earnings, I was motivated to convince them to join. Additionally, you can earn $1 for each friend who signs up. That signup bonus is capped at $5, however, you can invite an unlimited number of friends and earn 30% off of their earnings.
I posted pictures on my Facebook page of both my check payments and purchases I made with those earnings and would include my referral link in the post. (You can get your referral link by going to the “Refer Friends” tab.)
I would also share some of InboxDollars Facebook posts and blog articles, as well as news stories I'd find (like ones in Yahoo! Finance, and Forbes) about earning with InboxDollars.
And when meeting up with friends or family, they would ask me what I was doing on my phone (having glimpsed at surveys or daily polls on my phone screen) and I let them know how I was earning.
Through these tactics, a handful of my friends and family have joined InboxDollars. My monthly earnings from their activity will vary, but in an average month, I can make $1.25 in referral earnings.
Under the "Refer Friends" tab, you can invite friends and family by sending them a custom URL (that has a specific referral ID code in it that is tied to your account). Or you can also invite friends by email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or banner.
Total Monthly Earnings: $1.25
So there you have it. Those are my top favorite, lesser-known ways to earn cash with InboxDollars. If you're looking to earn even more cash and score some free swag, check out our 67 Best Internet Freebies.
Most offer earnings will be credited to the member’s InboxDollars® account within a few business days of offer completion. Some offers may credit immediately, while others may take up to 30 days to credit. Members should read and comply with all requirements of an offer to ensure timely credit.
InboxDollars® credits members for completing offers based on information we receive from our Advertisers. Thusly, the Advertiser has the final say in whether or not a member is credited for completing an offer. For more information, please read full terms of CASH OFFER CREDITING.